Saturday, November 10, 2007

Supersymmetry, Extra Dimensions and the Origin of Mass

Google Tech Talks June 18, 2007.

"Supersymmetry, Extra Dimensions and the Origin of Mass: Exploring the Nature of the ... all » Universe Using PetaScale Data Analysis"

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), scheduled to begin operation in Summer 2008, will collide protons at energies not accessible since the time of the early Universe. The study of the reactions produced at the LHC has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the most fundamental forces in nature. The ATLAS experiment, currently being installed at the LHC, is designed to detect collisions at the LHC, to collect the relevant data and to provide a unified framework for the reconstruction and analysis of these data. This talk will review the goals of the ATLAS program and will describe the software and computing challenges associated analyzing these data. Among the relevant issues are the need to develop and maintain a unified analysis framework for use by more than 1000 scientists and the need for distributed access to large (petabyte) scale data samples, including a significant metadata component.

1 comment:

marlowg said...

The origin of mass of an electron is evident in Einstein’s relativity equation for total energy: E^2 = Eo^2 + (pc)^2. This is also the equation for the Pythagorean theorem. That means that the moving energy (pc) is perpendicular to the rest energy (Eo). If moving energy is apparent in our four space-time dimensions, rest energy must be in perpendicular dimensions, ones in which distances and the passage of time are not apparent to us. Thus an electron at rest can be viewed as a photon moving in these extra dimensions. The photon’s frequency in these perpendicular dimensions gives rise to its mass in our dimensions. The photon’s electric field wave appears frozen at a maximum in our dimensions giving rise to the property of charge.